
Members enjoy a range of benefits

• HLSI members are able to borrow from a lending library of 26,000 books
• Members have the use of a Members Room for meeting, relaxation and reading
• Members have free access to our renowned weekly lectures
• Members also benefit from reduced fees for HLSI courses and other activities

In addition

• Many members enjoy being actively involved in organising what goes on as HLSI activities are initiated by the members, supported by a small paid staff
• Members are kept informed about the latest HLSI news with monthly email updates and receive our HLSI newsletter annually

HLSI activities include

• Debates
• Science Group
• Opera Circle
• Highgate Gallery
• Film Society
• Reading Groups
• Occasional concerts
• A wide range of Courses

Booking an event

Once you are a member, you will receive a personal membership number. You will need this to register to use the HLSI website for booking events and classes. Once you are registered, booking events is a speedy process. Do remember to make a note of your username and password!

To book, first browse the site to select the event or course you wish to attend, then click on the chosen event and follow the invitation to Book Now.

Membership Types

Membership Type Cost: